the book of sacred writings accepted by Christians as coming from God
2 main sections in the Bible?
Old testament and New testament
Bible comes from Greek word..
Ta Biblia=the books
Bible is a collection of..
many different writings from different people about the covenant (agreement)
How many books in OT and NT
NT: 27
OT: 46
The bible is inspired by
The word of God
hebrew scriptures,
about god and how godloves us early life of jesus,
origins of humanrace
Christian scriptures,
Jesus’ teachings
beginnings of christianity.
Shows Jesus' love for us.
NT includes..
4 gospels,letters of paul, acts of apostles, Revelation
Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers,Deuteronomy
What do Catholics believe about the Bible?
The Bible is the inspired word of God, written by people
The Bible is God’s special revelation to all humankind
The Bible is one of the many ways that God speaks to us
The writers of the Bible experienced God in their lives in a special way and were inspired by God to write about their understanding of those experiences
Contextual meaning of the bible.
Reading the bible using culture, time, and place (using context)
Literal meaning of Bible
Every sentence is taken to mean exactly what it says