Cards (72)

  • 0-5
    The temperature a refrigerator should be kept at:
  • 5-63
    The danger zone:
  • 72: The temperature at which harmful food poisoning bacteria is killed:
  • -22
    The temperature for freezing foods in a freezer:
  • -18: Bacteria becomes dormant/ The temperature for storing foods in a freezer:
  • 0-3
    The temperature a chiller should be kept at:
  • High risk foods: Foods at the highest risk of contamination (eg, dairy products, cheese, meats, cooked rice, raw egg, etc).
  • nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain: 4 symptoms of food poisoning:
  • 10 minutes

    Bacteria are micro-organisms that multiply every...
  • moisture, warmth, time: 3 conditions that bacteria need to multiply:
  • Cross contamination

    When food is contaminated by other objects.
  • Spoilage bacteria
    Type of bacteria that makes food rot.
  • Pathogenic bacteria
    Type of bacteria that causes illness.
  • Helpful bacteria
    Type of bacteria that we intentionally use.
  • Disinfection: The process of reducing pathogenic bacteria to safe levels.
  • Sanitizer
    Chemical that cleans and disinfects.
  • Sterilization
    The process of killing all pathogenic bacteria.
  • Detergent
    Chemical that dissolves grease and cleans.
  • Disinfectant
    Chemical that disinfects.
  • Clean
    Free from dirt and contamination.
  • Pasteurization
    Kills pathogenic bacteria only.
  • Nutrient: Chemical substance in foods needed by our bodies for them to be able to function properly.
  • Deficiency: When the body doesn't have enough of a certain nutrient for a long time.
  • Vitamins and minerals: Nutrient that keeps the body functioning properly in several different ways:
  • Vitamin A: Vitamin that helps aid healthy eye-sight, growth, bone development and healing infections.
  • Vitamin B complexes: Vitamin that helps to release energy from foods and red blood cell formation.
  • Vitamin C: Vitamin that helps aid the formation of tissues, bones and teeth.
  • Vitamin D: Vitamin that aids calcium absorption and helps with the development of bones and teeth.
  • Water solouble: Vitamins that can't be stored by the body, the body takes what it needs and the rest is disposed of.
  • Fat solouble: Vitamins that can be stored by the body, the body takes what it needs and stores the rest as future fat.
  • Protein
    Nutrient that aids growth and repair.
  • Fat
    Nutrient that provides energy, protection and warmth.
  • Saturated
    Fats from animal sources.
  • Polyunsaturated
    Fats from vegetable sources.
  • Carbohydrates: Nutrient that is the body's main source of energy.
  • Fibre
    Not a nutrient but essential, mostly aids digestion.
  • Water
    Not a nutrient but essential, especially for hydration.
  • Calcium: Mineral that helps with the growth of bones and teeth, as well as the clotting of blood.
  • Iron: Mineral that is essential for the carrying of oxygen in the blood.
  • Aeration
    When air is added to a mixture.