Cards (4)

  • Strength: Support for effectiveness of CI
    What? Evidence it works
    Who? Kohnken et al. (meta-analysis of 55 studies) - gives 41% more accurate information than standard interviews
    Why? Shows it's an effective technique
  • Counterpoint: Support for effectiveness of CI
    What? Increase in inaccurate infotmation
    Who? Kohnken et al. - Particularly an issue in ECI; sacrifices quality for quantity
    Why? Police should treat evidence from CIs/ECIs carefully
  • Limitation: Some elements more useful than others

    What? Not all elements equally useful
    Who? Milne and Bull - combination of "report everything" and "reinstate the context" produced better recall than any other element
    Why? Doubts credibility of CI
  • Limitation: CI is time-consuming
    What? Takes more time and training than standard police interview
    Who? Kebbell and Wagstaff - special training taking hours
    Why? Unrealistic method for police officers to use