Typically used, cheaper than mainstream but have a slower response to PETCO2 reading, can be used on intubated pts by using a small bore that is attached to monitor or on non-intubated patients that use a NC with a chamber for capnography
Initial exhalation of dead space gas with no CO2 present, CO2 lvl should be 0 bc the beginning of exhalation is coming from the airways that did not participate in gas exchange
Continuation of exhalation with significant increase in CO2 from both terminal airways and alveoli. During this phase gas from the conducting airways mixes with gas from proximal alveoli and the CO2 lvls begin to rise rapidly
AKA plateau pressure, CO2 lvl essentially plateaus representing the exhalation of alveolar gas rich in CO2. VERY END OF PPLAT REPRESENTS ETCO2 MEASURMENT