Unit #12 - Decolonization & Post WWII Nationalism

Cards (22)

  • Zionism - A movement for (originally) the reestablishment and (now) the development and protection of a Jewish nation in Israel
  • Holy Land/Levant - The eastern part of the Mediterranean (Israel/Jordan/Lebanon/Syria)
  • Caste System - A Hindu social class system in India in which there is no social mobility
  • pan-africanism - The promotion of the political union of all the native inhabitants of Africa.
  • sinocentrism - An ethnocentric perspective that regards China to be the center of civilization which is superior to all other nations
  • decolonization - to make countries/nations independent from formerly imperial/colonial controlled areas/regions/nations based on nationalism
  • independence - self-government
  • civil war - is a term used when two sides of the people in a nation/country have armed conflict with each other
  • westernization - to imitate the customs and traditions of European countries
  • secular - non-religious (government and/or society)
  • Indian National Congress (INC) - nationalist assembly of people who promoted Indian independence from Great Britain after World War II
  • Salt March - a march of Indian people, led by Gandhi, to the sea, to make salt which was against British Empire law
  • boycott - a policy to stop buying goods from a particular company, country, etc.
  • passive resistance - a form of protest which does not involve violence, but usually breaking laws
  • civil disobedience - a form of protest which does not include violence, but involves notfollowing laws. (similar to passive resistance)
  • partition - to split up. Usually refers to land of countries/regions/areas
  • Palestinian Mandate - a former area of land from the former Ottoman Empire created after WWI which consisted of many ethnic and religious groups (Muslims, Jews, Palestinians, Jordanians, etc) which was supposed to be developed into separate self-governing states.
  • Balfour Declaration - a paragraph in a letter in 1917 to a British Zionist in which the British Empire states a desire to create a Jewish homeland in the Middle East
  • Palestinian - Israeli Conflict - a conflict between the Palestinians and the Jews resulting from the creation of the State of Israel after WWII in which the Palestinians did not agree to the partition (split) of the Palestinian Mandate. This conflict is still ongoing today
  • unification - to make or bring together several parts of a region/area in to form one country/nation.
  • German Unification - In 1990, Germany after the Fall of the Berlin Wall (1989) was unified into a single country again. Both East and West Germany became the Federal Republic of Germany or known as Germany
  • nationalism - collective pride and devotion of a nation/country