Diet and nutrition - 18 to 30 years old who eat plenty of fruits, vegetables, and other plant foods are less likely to develop high blood pressures
Mediterranean-style Diet - associated with reduced risk for a wide variety of cancers
Obesity/Overweight - In the United States, the average man or woman is more than 24 pounds heavier than in the early 1960s but only about 1 inch taller
Bariatric Surgery - any surgery that is carried out to induce weight loss, and it generally involves rerouting or removing parts of the stomach or small intestine
Physical activity - People who are physically active reap many benefits: maintain desirable body weight, physical activity builds muscles, strengthens heart and lungs, lowers blood pressure, protect against heart disease, stroke, diabetes, several cancers, and osteoporosis
Sleep - High levels of Insomnia associated with family life and academic stress, Adequate sleep improves learning of complex motor skills and consolidate previous learning, Burnout - an oversaturation of the brain's perceptual processing systems
Smoking - leading preventable causes of death, illness and impoverishment, linked not only to lung cancer but also to increased risks of heart disease, stroke, and chronic lung disease
Alcohol use - associated with other emerging adulthood risks, such as traffic accidents, crime, and HIV infection, Alcohol use peaks in emerging adulthood, Risky drinking - consuming more than 14 drinks a week or 4 drinks on any single day for men, and more than 7 drinks a week or 3 drinks on any single day for women