Maternal deprivation

Subdecks (2)

Cards (26)

  • Who proposed the theory of Maternal deprivation?
  • What is maternal deprivation theory?
    Continual presence from a caregiver is essential for normal development
  • What is separation?
    Not being in the presence of the primary attachment figure
  • When does separation become a problem?
    If a child is deprived of emotional care
  • What can lead to deprivation?
    Extended separations
  • Brief separations are not significant for development
  • When did Bowlby see the critical period for development as?
    The first two-and-a-half years
  • When did Bowlby believe the risk of psychological damage from deprivation continued up until?
  • What did Bowlby believe would happen if extended deprivation occurred during the critical period?
    Psychological damage
  • What two effects did Bowlby suggest maternal deprivation has on development?
    Intellectual development
    Emotional development
  • What did Bowlby suggest delayed intellectual development was characterised by?
    Abnormally low IQ
  • Whose study supports Bowlby in saying maternal deprivation causes delayed intellectual development?
  • What did Goldfarb find?
    Children in institutions, so lower emotional care, had lower IQ
  • What is affectionless psychopathy?
    The inability to experience guilt or strong emotion towards others
  • What does affectionless psychopathy prevent a person from doing?
    Developing fulfilling relationships
  • What is affectionless psychopathy associated with?
  • What was Bowlby's study that showed affectionless psychopathy is caused by maternal deprivation?
    44 thieves