Maternal deprivation: AO3

Cards (3)

  • Limitation: Flawed evidence
    What? Poor quality evidence
    Who? Bowlby's 44 thieves - biased by Bowlby + Bowlby influenced by Goldfarb's research which had confounding variables
    Why? Serious flaws in evidence
  • Limitation: Deprivation and privation
    What? Confusion between different types of early experience
    Who? Rutter - Long-term damage the result of privation (failure to form an attachment) instead of deprivation (loss of attachment figure)
    Why? Overestimated seriousness of deprivation
  • Limitation: Critical vs sensitive periods
    What? Critical period
    Who? Koluchova - twins who'd not formed an attachment in critical period eventually formed one with care
    Why? Critical period best seen as sensitive period