Lesson 1-2

Cards (31)

  • Artmaking applies human creative skill and imagination, typically in a visual form such as painting or sculpture, producing works to be appreciated primarily for their beauty and emotional power
  • as to Aristotle, art-making traces back to love of imitation and recognizing likenesses that characterize human
  • Leo Tolstoy then intensifies that artmaking is a human actvity, consisting in this, that one person consciously, by sure external signs, conveys to other feeling he has experience, and other people are affected by these feelings and live them over themselves.
  • Art criticism is the analysis and evaluation of works of art. It involves interpretative, involving the effort to understand a particular piece of art from a theoretical perspective and establish its significance in art history.
  • The critic is minimally required to be a connoisseur, which means he must have a "sound knowledge" of art history.
  • The critic is often faced with a choice: to defend old standards or to defends the new against the old
  • Leo tolstoy elaborated three ideas, sometimes in combination: Art psychological, moral, and spiritual.
  • Visual communications is the transmission of information and ideas using symbols and imagery. It is one of the three main types of communication. Verbal (speaking) and Non Verbal (body language)
  • Visual communications is believe to be the type that people rely on most, and it includes signs, graphic designs, film, typography, and many others.
  • It is the study of symbols and visual communications and it aims to analyze how people make meaning out of signs and how those symbols are interpreted is called Semiotics.
  • Art making is a fun and rewarding way for people to express themselves and learn a broad range of skills and concepts.
  • There are 5 stages of art making as suggested by Moore, J, O. (2021)
    1. Inspiration
    2. Percolation
    3. Preparation
    4. Creation
    5. Reflection
  • Inspiration -an exciting moment in the process of creating art
  • Percolation -it is refining your ideas before making art
  • Preparation -is a more active and focused time to create your blueprint
  • Creation -can vary depending on you personal temperament, artistic style, and medium
  • Reflection -will vary depending on the artist
  • Seeing and sense, as Mirzoeff (1999) emphasized "human experiences" is now more visual and visualized than ever before.
  • Seeing is an automatic, physiological function we perform without thinking and on the other hand, a complex and absorbing process.
  • The idea of language as a series of signs is found as early as Aristotle, who defined human voice as semantikos psophos "significant sound", or sounds that make meaning
  • Semiotics is undoubtedly an effective tool for analysis because it deals with the signs-anything which stands for something.
  • As Wilson K. (2021) viewed, art criticism analyzes and evaluates any art form. She provided on how to assess a work of art, namely;
    1. Description -describe what we see
    2. Analysis -described elements suggest and why the artist used those specific colors, angles, shapes etc.
    3. Interpretation -establish context, explaining why the artist created it and its meaning
    4. Evaluation of Judgement -decide to where an artwork stands alongside similar works
  • Animation from the Latin word 'animare' to breathe into life
  • Comics from the word 'comic' originating from the Greek word 'komikos' of or about comedy.
  • Etymologically the word comes from the latin word 'pictorius' -meaning of a painter
  • Visual narratives is defined a a graphic that essentially and explicitly narrates a story
  • Visual signifies something that can be seen using human eye'
  • Story illustrates a series of events linked by causality, temporarily, or sequence of the order of occurence
  • Narrative signifies the act of telling a story of the story itself or the order or presentation
  • In recent times, the term extensively used to refer to visual story-telling is Visual Narratives
  • 5 characteristics features of Visual Narratives;
    1. presence of story
    2. the visual is constructed with idea of communicating a story to the onlooker
    3. presence of actor or participants
    4. has 'universe' of its own
    5. expressed on any medium; paper, stone