Can be used in a broad sense (all the descendants of a common ancestor) or in a narrower sense (parents living together with their children as a "unit")
Family life has changed over time due to changes in society such as industrialisation, urbanisation and globalisation
Families are also responsible for passing on cultural values to future generations
The family is the most important social institution as it provides us with our first experiences of love, care and security.
Industrialisation led to more men working away from home, which meant they were less involved in childcare and housework.
Urbanisation led to an increase in the number of households where both parents worked outside the home, leading to increased demand for domestic services like cleaning and cooking.
Social change can be seen through trends in marriage rates, divorce rates, birth rates and household composition.
It is where we develop our sense of identity and self-worth.
Children grow up within the family unit and learn about relationships from their parents.
Globalisation has led to greater mobility of workers, making it easier for couples to live apart if one partner needs to work abroad.
Industrialisation led to an increase in paid work outside the home, which meant more money was needed to support a family.
Urbanisation brought about new forms of housing, including flats and apartments, which were often smaller than traditional houses.
Urbanisation led to an increase in divorce rates as couples had greater freedom to leave unhappy relationships.
Globalisation has led to greater mobility of labour, resulting in more women entering paid employment and fewer children being raised by stay-at-home mothers.
Changes in technology have made communication easier between family members who live far apart.
In many societies, marriage is seen as an essential part of being a full member of society.
Changes in technology have made it easier for couples to live apart while maintaining contact through phone calls, emails and video conferencing.
Globalisation has increased opportunities for women to work outside the home, leading to a decline in traditional gender roles within the family.