Much ground substance; many cells and little collagen, randomly distributed; supports microvasculature, nerves, and immune defense cells; e.g. lamina propria beneath epithelial lining of digestive tract
Little ground substance; few cells (mostly fibroblasts); much collagen in randomly arranged fibers; protects and supports organs; resist tearing; e.g. dermis of skin, organ capsules, submucosa of digestive tract
A tough, durable form of supporting connective tissue, characterized by an ECM with high concentration of GAGs and proteoglycans, interacting with collagen and elastic fibers
Lightly stained; most common among the three types; found majority in joints; provides smooth, low-friction surfaces in joints; structural support for respiratory tract. Has presence of perichondrium (except at epiphyses and articular cartilage)
Dark stain; provides elasticity; Type II collagen; provides flexible shape and support of soft tissue; location: ear, external acoustic meatus, auditory tube; epiglottis
Has area of light and dark stain; mixture of hyaline and elastic cartilage; no perichondrium; provides cushioning, tensile strength, and resistance to tearing and compression; location: intervertebral discs, pubic symphysis, meniscus, other joints, insertions of tendons
55% of whole blood; Water 92% by weight; Proteins 7% by weight: Albumin 58% - major protein; protein made in blood; Globulins 37%- antigens; Fibrinogen 4%; Regulatory proteins <1%; Other solutes 1% - Electrocytes, nutrients, respiratory gases, waste products