Cards (14)

  • Fingerprint region
    An area of an infrared spectrum below 1500 cm-1 that gives a characteristic pattern for different compounds
  • Fragment ions
    Ions formed from the breakdown of the molecular ion in a mass spectrometer
  • Fragmentation
    The process in mass spectrometry that causes a positive ion to split into smaller pieces, one of which is a positive fragment ion
  • The higher an object’s speed, the higher its kinetic energy
  • The greater an object’s mass, the higher its kinetic energy
  • To use a charged plate to give atoms kinetic energy, we first need to ionise them
  • X-axis on the mass spectrum is m/z ratio (which can represent mass)
  • Y-axis on the mass spectrum is relative abundance or intensity
  • On the mass spectrum we assume they are 1+ ions
  • Percentage abundance:
    1. Find the total number of ions
    2. Divide the relative intensity of each isotope by the total number of ions
    3. Multiply by 100
  • if y-axis shows relative intensity you must calculate percentage abundance
  • We can then use percentage abundance to find relative atomic mass
  • In mass spectrometry ion with the smallest mass / charge ratio travels the fastest
  • The most abundant ion generates the largest electrical current at the detector