Bowel sounds are diminished, there is decreased activity in the lower GI tract, prenatal vitamins cause constipation, and increased venous pressure in the lower abdomen can lead to hemorrhoids in pregnant women
Pregnant women may develop linea nigra, a darkly pigmented line that appears on the anterior abdomen, and striae (stretch marks) from the increased tension of the expanding uterus
Poorly fitted dentures may result in painful mastication, which causes the patient to select foods that are easier to chew but not necessarily nutritionally balanced
In the GI tract, there is a reduction of saliva, stomach acid, gastric motility, and peristalsis that causes problems with swallowing, absorption, and digestion
Results from distension of the intestines or stretching of the solid organs. It is often described as burning, cramping, diffuse, and poorly localized.
Pain felt at a site away from the site of origin. Impulses from the internal organs and structures that share nerve pathways inside the central nervous system explain the nature of referred pain.
Perform the abdominal examination in a warm, private environment
Adequate lighting for better visualization
Draping to remove clothes and put on gown
Equipment - flat pillow for comfort, rolled blanket to help relax abdominal muscles, centimeter ruler, stethoscope and marking pen
Ask the client to empty the bladder to eliminate bladder distention and interference
Position the client supine with arms folded across chest or resting by sides (raising arms above head or folding behind head will tense abdominal muscles)
Instruct the client to breathe through the mouth and take slow, deep breaths to promote relaxation