The allowance for the president to make laws in an emergency without consulting the reichstag
What was the Dawes plan?
What was the larcorna pact?
1925. A pact signed with Britain, France, Belgium and Italy. Germany accepted a new border with France, opens Germany to becoming part of League of Nations. First time Germany had been involved with foreign affairs since ww2.
What was the Dawes plan?
1924. A banker from USA worked with stresseman to resolve French occupation of the Ruhr. Reparations reduced to 50 million a year And America loaned Germany 25 billion dollars.
What was the League of Nations?
formed after WW2 to allow countries to discuss ways of solving problems to prevent war. Germany was not allowed to join until 1926 when Stressemen persuaded them to let Germany join.
what was the Kellogg-Briand pact?
1928. Germany and 61 other countries promised that they would not use war as a way top achieve their aims.
what was the young plan?
1929. Stressemen negotiated with USA to reduce germanys reparation bill from 6.6 billion to 2 billion and Germany was given 59 more years to pay it.
What was the armistice?
the official agreement between Germany and the Allies to end WW1
What were the Nuremburg laws?
.only pure aryan race can have German citizenship
.Jews can not marry aryan race
What was the T4 program in 1939?
Nazis ordered any child born with a disability was to be killed
Law for encouragement of marriage 1933 included?
Loans for 8 months of waiges if you go unemployed, each child you have pays off 1/4 of the loan