Which famous WW1 general agreed to join the Munich putsch?
What’s the transnlation of ‘putsch’?
Whose seize of power in Rome inspired hitler?
Benito Mussolini
Who were the three men hitler believed would allow him to seize Berlin if he got them to support him?
Otto Von Lossow, Hans seisser and Gustav Von Kahr
What date did the Munich Putsch take place?
8th November 1923
What year did Hitler publish ‘mein kampf’?
What is the translation of ‘mein kampf’?
My struggle
How many seats did the nazi party have in 1924?
how many seats did the nazi party have in 1928?
True or false? Hitler turned the Nazi Party's focus towards farmers, to entice them to vote for the party in 1928
true, farmers didn’t benefit under the Weimar Republic
Why did the Munich putsch fail?
The Bavarian leaders Kahr, Seisser and Lossow were allowed to leave. They organised troops and police to resist the putsch
How did the Great Depression affect votes for the nazis?
They rose dramatically
How did Chancellor Heinrich Brüning deal with the rise in unemployment?
He reduced spending and raised taxes
What is article 48?
A law allowing the president to make a law without support in case of an emergency
How long did Hitler get in jail compared to how long he was sentenced?
He was sentended 5 years but only did 9 months
What events led to Hitler becoming Fuhrer?
.hitler appointed as chancellor-jan 1933
.Reichstag fire-27th Feb 1933
.Enebaling act-24th March 1933
.banned all other parties-14th July 1933
.night of the long knives-30th June 1934
.death of Hidenburg-2cnd august 1934
What state was Germany left in after WW1?
a terrible state, kaiser Wilhelm had abdicated, protests and uprisings occurred all over the country
Who signed the armistice?
Why were Jews so disliked?
.they were often successful business men
.stood out (Orthodox Jew)
.Jews were an easy ‘scapegoat’ to blame for hard times, Hitler took advantage of this in his properganda
What were the minority groups nazis targeted?
How did Hitler convince the people of Germany that the minority groups were bad?
properganda, e.g the price for disabled people being too high
What was one way in which the Nazis improved work lives?
KdF, giving people luxuries and holidays for working
How did the Nazis use rearment to reduce unemployment?
Hitler planned to grow his armed forces and in the process provide thousands of jobs for unemployed men all over Germany
how did Hitler break the rules of the treaty of Versailles?
Increased his number of armed forces
Why didn’t any of the country’s retaliate against hitler after he broke the treaty of Versailles?
They didn’t want to start another war and after Wall Street crash they didn’t have the money to
How did Hitler use ‘hidden unemployment‘ to reduce unemployment in Germany?
Stopped women and Jews from being allowed to work
What was the Nazi Labour Service?
It gave work to the unemployed mainly doing ‘public works‘
What were the Autobahns?
7,000 miles of new motorways built by the Nazis to give work to unemployed men and show how they were ‘rebuilding‘ Germany
How did the Nazi party aim to control the youth?
.Hitler youth (boys)
.league of German maidens (girls)
What was the Hitler Youth?
A mandatory Nazi club for boys, in which they were taught how to become good soldiers
What was the League German Maidens?
A Nazi youth group for girls teaching them how to become good mothers and wives
What was women’s main task in Nazi germany?
To create the ‘perfect’ Aryan children, you got given medals the more children you had
From January 1934 approximately 400,000 women were sterilised for being ‘not perfect‘. Based on Darwin’s theory of ‘survival of the fittest‘, Hitler only wanted the ‘fittest’ for his master race.