Key phrases

Cards (14)

  • What does Diktat mean?
    Germany forced to adapt to the treaty of Versailles
  • What did the german people call the German government after the treaty of Versailles?
    ‘November criminals‘
  • What does ‘putsch‘ mean?
    An uprising, attempt to push a person into power
  • What does coalition mean?

    a government made up of many parties
  • What are left wing?
  • What are right wing?
  • What is the reichstag?
    German government building
  • What is kristallnacht?

    ’night of broken glass’, nazis smashed Jewish shops and burnt cinagogoues
  • What is meant by A-social?
    Those who are different in society Such as disabled, gypsies
  • what does aurtorky mean?
    a self sufficient country
  • What is eugenics?
    A racial science, baes of Darwin’s theory of survival of the fittest. Nazis taught that the Aryan race were superior
  • What was health biology?
    Teaching girls how to pick good husbands to create the ‘perfect’ children
  • What is indoctrination?
    To make a person believe a set of ideas without them questioning the truth, ‘brainwashing’
  • What is meant by Kinder, Kuche, Kirche?
    Kids, cooking, church (motto for women under Nazi rule)