Forming attachments

Cards (7)

  • There are four stages to forming attachments:
    • Pre-Attachment: 0-3 months - Babies do not show preference
    • Indiscriminate: 3-7 months - Recognise familiar people, prefer them over unfamiliar
    • Discriminate: 7-9 - Strong attachment to one caregiver
    • Multiple Attachment: 9+ - multiple people
  • There are two features between caregivers and babies that strengthen their bond: reciprocity & interactional synchrony.
  • Reciprocity is when the baby responds to the caregiver's actions with appropriate responses (e.g. smiling back).
  • Interactional Synchrony is where both parties respond at similar times.
  • Shaffer & Enderson conducted a longitudinal study using naturalistic observation looking at 60 babies and their families:
    • Found attachment followed four stages
    • Babies form multiple attachments and the main one was not always the caregiver
    • Babies who formed the strongest attachments had caregivers who displayed the most sensitive responsiveness
  • Schaffer & Emmerson's study conclusion:
    • Research may have been prone to observer bias
    • Results may suffer from social desirability bias - families may have wanted to show themselves in a good light
    • High ecological validity - naturalistic observation
  • Isabella showed that babies and mothers that display more reciprocity and interactional synchrony had stronger attachments.