A human blood group system, the second most important after ABO in the cross-match test, discovered in 1940 after work on Rhesus monkeys
Rh Blood Group System
The most complex system with over 45 antigens
The genes that control the system are autosomal dominant located on the short arm of chromosome 1
Rh Antigens
Proteins on the red blood cell membrane
Most important Rh antigens
RhD gene
Encodes the D antigen, which is a large protein on the red blood cell membrane and is the most important
RHCE gene
Codes for Ce, cE, ce or CE polypeptides
Frequency of D antigen
85% (Rh positive), while the ABSENCE of the D antigen is 15% (Rh negative)
Refers to the presence or absence of the D antigen on the red blood cell
Unlike ABO antigens, Rh antigens are present only on red blood cells and not on other blood cells including platelets and leukocytes
D antigen
Highly immunogenic
0.1 mL D+ blood can cause anti-D production in 50-70% of Rh(D) negative people who are exposed to the D antigen
Rh antigens Immunogenicity
D > c > E > C > e
Nomenclature of the RH system
Fisher-Race Theory
Rh inheritance is controlled by 3 closely linked loci on each chromosome of a homologous pair, each locus has its own set of alleles that are: Dd, Cc, and Ee. There is NO d antigen or allele, little d indicates the ABSENCE of the D antigen and nothing more.
Weiner Theory
There is one Rh locus at which occurs one Rh gene, but this gene has multiple alleles. The main difference is that the Fisher-Race theory has three closely linked loci, while the Weiner theory has only one gene locus at which multiple alleles occur.
Rosenfield Nomenclature
Each antigen assigned a number: Rh 1 = D, Rh 2 = C, Rh 3 = E, Rh 4 = c, Rh 5 = e.
Significance of Rh system
After ABO, the Rh system is the second most important system because the D antigen is extremely immunogenic
Antibodies to Rh antigens can be involved in hemolytic transfusion reactions and anti-D is the most common cause of severe hemolytic disease in newborns (HDN) and can cause in-utero death
Rh (+ve) type
Can give to (+ve) type only; and receives from both (+ve, -ve) types
Rh (-ve) type
Can give to both (+ve, -ve) types, but receives from (-ve) type only
The C and E antigens are not as immunogenic as D, routine typing for these antigens is not performed
Weak D (Du) Phenotype
positive RBC's that do not react (do not agglutinate) at immediate spin using reagent anti-D, require further testing (37C° and/or AHG) to determine the D status of the patient
Mechanisms that account for the Weak D antigen
Du Variant (Partial D)
Hereditary Du (Genetically Transmissible) (weak D)
Position Effect (Gene Interaction Effect)
Rh null
An individual that appears to have no Rh antigens, no D, C, c, E, e antigens are present on the RBC membrane, RBC has a fragile membrane - is short-lived, demonstrates mild hemolytic anaemia, stomatocytosis
Rh Antibodies
Result from the exposure to Rh antigens, are IgG form and bind at 37°C, cause intravascular hemolysis (hemolytic transfusion reactions, HDN)
Clinical Significance of Rh Antibodies
Hemolytic transfusion reactions: Re-exposure to antigen causes a rapid secondary response
Hemolytic disease of newborn (HDN): if the mother is Rh negative and the fetus or baby is Rh positive, the antibody can cross the placenta and destroy Rh (D) positive fetal cells resulting in death
Blood Banking
The process of collecting and preparing whole blood or blood productsfor transfusion, as well as the selection of appropriate, compatible blood components for transfusion
Blood Bank Laboratory
The main and major role is to provide the safest and most compatible blood or blood components to all recipients
Blood banking includes typing the blood for transfusion and testing for infectious diseases
Blood Bank Antigens
RBCs possess antigens on their surfaces that have blood group specificities, hundreds of red cell antigens are recognized nowadays, but few are considered in the blood bank
Proteins produced by lymphocytes as a result of stimulation by an antigen which can then interact specifically with that particular antigen
Classes of Antibodies
Antibody formed as a result of immune stimulus (exposure to foreign antigen)
Naturally occurring Antibody
Antibody formed without prior exposure to foreign antigen
Antibody formed to one's own antigens (abnormal condition)
Antibody formed to foreign antigens, but within the same species
Antibody capable of causing agglutination when reacting with the corresponding antigen
Antibody capable of causing hemolysis when reacting with the corresponding antigen
Cold antibody (cold agglutinin)
Antibody whose optimal temperature of reactivity is less than 30 C
Warm antibody
Antibody whose optimal temperature of reactivity is greater than 35 C
Stages of Antigen-Antibody Interaction
1. Sensitization (coating of cells)
2. Agglutination (cross-linkages between cells resulting in visible clumping)