1. Specimens (depending on the site of infection) include: fresh stool or rectal swab in case of delayed the specimen must be transported using transported media such as (Cary-Blair or glycerol buffer saline)
2. Macroscopic examination: (containing blood, mucus and alkaline pH has been detected)
3. Microscopy: Shigella is a Gram negative usually non-motile rod, also it is non-capsulated organism
4. Culture: Shigella are aerobic and facultative anaerobic, optimum temperature for growth is 35-37°C and pH range from (7 - 7,2), on MacConkey agar they are not ferments lactose and producing smooth pale yellow colonies, on XLD they form red colonies, on DCA they form smaller in size, smooth, pale yellow (NLF), without black center, SS agar is not suitable for isolating Shigellae as it inhibitory to most strain
5. Biochemical Test: Catalase (+ve), Oxidase (-ve), Motility (-ve), Production of acid but no gas, O-F test Fermentative, Indole (-ve), Citrate utilization (-ve), MR (+ve), VP (-ve), H2S (-ve), Urease (-ve)