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    • Endogenous pacemakers
      Mechanisms within the body that govern the internal biological bodily rhythms (eg, sleep wake cycle / suprachiasmatic nuclei)
    • Exogenous Zeitgebers
      An environmental cue (light or social) that helps to regulate the biological clock in an organism
    • Circadian rhythm
      A pattern of behaviour that occurs approximately every 24 hours, which is set by exogenous Zeitgebers
    • Suprachiasmatic Nuclei
      The master circadian rhythm pacemaker which is found in the hypothalamus that receives light information
      Light - optic nerve - SCN - Pineal gland = sleep wake cycle
    • How is the sleep wake cycle maintained
      • Homeostasis system tries to maintain homeostasis through noting changes and energy dips
      • Even with absence of EZs the internal body clock is still 24-25 hours
      • Internal and external factors combine to enable us to keep rhythm and adjust to changes
      • However, because light entrains our rhythms we struggle with tasks like night work
    • Michael Siffre cave study (1962)
      • Subjected himself to extended periods underground to investigate his own circadian rhythms
      • Absence of EZ’s - light, clock, radio
      • Woke, ate, and slept when he felt like it
      1. 61 days underground - lost track of days and months
      2. 6 months underground - CR was just over 24 hours
      3. When he got older, his CR was 48 hours
    • Strength - Role of SCN
      • Morgan (1995) mutant hampster - genetic breeding of hampsters with 20 hour rhythm, removed SCN’s and transplanted into normal hampsters who displayed 20 hour rhythms
    • Strength - Real world application
      • Burgess et al (2003) - exposure to a bright light prior to a flight decreased the time needed to readjust to local time on arrival. shifts rhythm, up to 2 hours
    • Weakness - Seperated rhythms
      • Kate Aldcroft spent 25 days in a lab with no EZs. She played ‘amazing grace’ at the same time everyday and her rhythm slipped to 30 hours
    • Strength/weakness - How do blind people develop circadian rhythms
      • Skene and Arendt (2007) estimated most blind people still have some light perception. The pathway from retinal cells controlling melanopsin to SCN is still intact
    • Circadian rhythm strength - Real World Application
      Development of Chronotherapeutics - timing of drug therapy
      • Timing of drug treatment has significant impacts on treatment success
      • Drugs can be taken hours before release in order to time the treatment the most effectively
      • EG, heart attacks mostly take place about an hour after waking up, so drugs taken at 10PM can be released at 6AM
    • Circadian rhythm - individual differences
      • Length of cycles varies - 13-65 hours (Czeislar et al 1999)
      • Cycle onset - morning or evening people
    • Circadian rythms strength/weakness - research methodology
      • Confoudning variables?
      • Artifical light?
      • One ppt?
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