Catholic and Protestant Bibles

Cards (8)

  • Books in the New Testament(both Catholic and Protestant Bibles)
    • 27
  • Books in the Old Testament (Protestant Bibles)
    • 39
  • Additional books in the Old Testament (Catholic Bibles)
    • Tobit
    • Judith
    • 1 Maccabees
    • 2 Maccabees
    • Wisdom
    • Baruch
    • Sirach
  • The Bible - the holy book of Christians containing the Old and New Testament. In more detail, it is a collection of books written over time by various authors in various places and is the sacred text in Christianity.
  • The Old Testament - the first of the two main sections and (sub) divisions of the Bible, containing the prophets, the law, and the Hagiographa. In simpler terms, it is the first part of the Bible with stories and teachings before Jesus.
  • The Gospel - the (good) news about Jesus and his teachings.
  • Similiarities between Catholic and Protestant Bible
    Both include the Old and New Testament
    Both tell the story of Jesus and his teachings
    Books of Catholic and the Protestant Bible are the same
  • Differences between Catholic and Protestant Bible

    Catholic Bible includes Deuterocanonical books (additional books)

    Protestant Bible has 66 books altogether whereas Catholic Bible has 73 books.

    Protestant Bible have the same books as Catholic Bible but books are arranged in a different order.