
Cards (20)

  • Digestion
    Food travels from mouth to stomach, through small intestine and large intestine
  • Salivary glands
    • Make enzymes that are secreted into the mouth
  • Pancreas
    • Makes enzymes that are secreted into the small intestine
  • Liver
    • Makes bile and the gall bladder stores bile, which is released into the small intestine
  • Digestion
    The breakdown of large, insoluble molecules into small, soluble molecules that can be absorbed into the blood
  • Digestion breakdown
    • Starch into sugars (glucose)
    • Proteins into amino acids
    • Fats (lipids) into fatty acids and glycerol
  • Enzymes
    Required for digestion as they catalyse the chemical reactions that breakdown the bonds in the large, insoluble molecules
  • Large, insoluble molecule
    • Enzyme required
    • Small soluble molecule
  • Some of the glucose is used in respiration, the remaining glucose is used to make carbohydrates
  • The amino acids are used in protein synthesis, any not required are transported to the liver and broken down into urea
  • The fatty acids and glycerol are used to synthesise fats (lipids)
  • Digestion takes place in the organs
    1. Salivary Glands
    2. Mouth
    3. Stomach
    4. Pancreas
    5. Liver
    6. Gall Bladder
    7. Small Intestine
  • Salivary Glands
    • Make salivary amylase and secrete it into the mouth
  • Mouth
    • Some starch is broken down into sugars (glucose) using the enzyme amylase
  • Stomach
    • Hydrochloric acid kills bacteria and provides the optimum pH for the protease enzyme
    • Protease catalyses the breakdown of some protein into amino acids
  • Pancreas
    • Makes pancreatic amylase, protease and lipase and secretes them into the small intestine
  • Liver
    • Makes bile
  • Gall Bladder
    • Stores bile and releases it into the small intestine
  • Small Intestine
    • Bile neutralises the stomach acid to provide the optimum pH for the enzymes
    • Bile emulsifies fat/oil to increase the surface area for lipase
    • Starch is broken down into sugars using pancreatic amylase
    • Proteins are broken down into amino acids using protease
    • Fats (lipids) are broken down into fatty acids and glycerol using lipase
  • Small Intestine Adaptation
    • Many villi and epithelial cells have many microvilli to increase surface area
    • Epithelial wall is one cell thick and cells are flattened for short diffusion pathway
    • Capillary network inside villi for good blood flow and steep concentration gradient
    • Capillary wall is one cell thick and flattened for short diffusion pathway
    • Epithelial cells contain many mitochondria for energy for active transport