Kingdom Monera

Cards (13)

  • All prokaryotes; represented by the smallest organisms on earth.
  • Nuclei: not organized with nuclear membrane, nucleoplasm, chromatin fibers, and nucleoli.
  • Cells typically membrane-bound organelles.
  • The photosynthetic pigments: chromatophores, which can be compared with a single lamella of a granum in the plastids (chloroplasts) of algae and higher plants.
  • The respiratory enzymes; infoldings of the plasma membrane called ‘mesosomes’.
  • Nutrition absorptive, chemosynthetic, photoheterotrophic, or photoautotrophic.
  • The monerans possess cell walls (except mycoplasmas and some archaebacteria)
  • Cell wall is ‘peptidoglycan’ except archaebacteria in which the main constituent is thought to be usually proteinaceous.
  • Flagella, if present, are 8 stranded lacking 9 + 2 arrangement; each strand is made up of a protein named flagellin.
  • Ribosomes distributed in cytoplasm having 70 sedimentation coefficients/ Svedberg units (70S) as VS 80 sedimentation 80S in other organisms
  • Monerans reproduce asexually, they lack true sexual reproduction.
  • The mode of recombination of hereditary characters is attributed to alternative pathways of sexuality
  • Parasexuality: does not involve meiosis/fertilization; transformation, conjugation, transduction, and mutation.