As the knowledge of the properties of various groups of microbial life exploded around the middle of the 19th century, it became apparent that a division of the living world into two kingdoms cannot really be maintained on a logical and consistent ground
A useful scientific tool for identifying various organisms based on their observable characteristics, made up of a series of statements, each with two options, that guide users to the proper identification
Embryological similarity evidence investigates the features of embryos and their development, and how their resemblances across species indicate relatedness
International Code of Botanical Nomenclature (ICBN)
The set of rules and recommendations dealing with the nomenclature of plants, fungi and a few other groups of organisms, all those "traditionally treated as algae, fungi, or plants"
An adjective e.g. for white colour it is alba, red-rubra, green-viridis black colour-nigrum etc. for cultivated one it is sativa, edible one esculenta etc.
May also be a pronoun, e.g., americana, indica, benghalensis, etc. It may characterize shape of a leaf (character of plant), e.g., hastata, cordata, sagitata etc. name of other scientist to whom the plant is dedicated, e.g., pangteyana, sahnia, etc