Murdock accepts that other institutions could perform these functions
However, he argues that the sheer practicality of the nuclear family as a way of meeting these four needs explains why it is universal - found in all human societies without exception
While few sociologists would doubt that most of these are important functions, some argue that they could be performed equally well by other institutions, or by non-nuclear family structures</b>
Marxists and feminists reject Murdock's 'rose-tinted' harmonious consensus view that the family meets the needs of both wider society and all the different members of the family
They argue that functionalism neglects conflict and exploitation
a geographically mobile workforce - people were living in extended families but industrialisation caused people to move, therefore families broke up into branches of nuclear families.
a socially mobile workforce - there is competition between a son and father, the fathers ascribed status is higher than the son but the sons achieved status is higher