Simla Deputation

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  • What year did the Simla Deputation take place?
  • What was the main purpose of the Indian National Congress when it was founded in 1885?
    To safeguard the interests of all Indians
  • What significant event occurred in 1895 that the Congress strongly opposed?
    The Partition of Bengal
  • How did the Hindu Nationalist Movement affect Muslims after the War of Independence in 1857?
    It threatened Muslims by blaming them for the uprising
  • What was the main action taken by Muslims in response to the political situation in India in 1906?
    They presented their demands through the Simla Deputation
  • Who won the elections in England in 1905 and showed intentions towards constitutional reforms in India?
    Lloyd George
  • Who led the Simla Deputation?
    Sir Agha Khan
  • On what date did the Simla Deputation meet with the Viceroy of India?
    October 1, 1906
  • What was a key point highlighted by the Simla Deputation regarding the circumstances in India?
    That India's circumstances are distinct due to the existence of two major communities
  • What electoral system was introduced as a result of the Simla Deputation's demands?
    Separate Electorates System
  • What status did the Simla Deputation demand to be highlighted for Muslims in India?
    Minority status
  • What demand did the Simla Deputation make regarding government services for Muslims?
    They demanded a quota in government services
  • What was the demand of Muslim judges in cases?

    To have Muslim judges in legal cases
  • What historical background is mentioned regarding Muslims in India?
    It discusses the demand for electoral seats for Muslims in legislative assemblies
  • What was the demand related to MAO College?
    To grant university status to MAO College
  • Who partitioned Bengal in 1905?
    Lord Curzon
  • What happened in Bengal in 1911 regarding the partition?
    George I annulled the partition of Bengal
  • What were the effects of the Simla Deputation for Muslims?
    • Bridged the gap between Muslims and the British government
    • Boosted the confidence of Muslims
    • Paved the way for the establishment of the All India Muslim League
  • What demand was granted in 1909 by the Minto Morley Reforms?
    Demand for separate electorates
  • What was the significance of the separate electorates for Muslims?
    It recognized Muslims as a separate nation
  • How did Muslims feel after the recognition of separate electorates?
    They felt independent enough to present their demands to the British
  • What was the impact of the Simla Deputation on Muslim political engagement?
    It allowed Muslims to engage politically without Congress' support