Khilafat Movement

Cards (50)

  • During the Khilafat movement, the Ottoman Empire was defeated by the Allied forces
  • The Turks were disrespected, and the Khilafat was abolished, which was unacceptable to the Muslims
  • Khilafat Movement (1919)

    During the First World War, Turkey, the seat of Khilafat, fought against the Allied forces and was defeated. The Ottoman Khilafat, which had been established in 1299, was under threat from the Allied forces, Muslims of India started Khilafat movement with the aim of safeguarding the institution of Khilafat in Turkey.
  • Three main demands or objectives of the Khilafat movement
    • The Turkish Khilafat should not be abolished
    • Muslim sacred places should not be disrespected
    • The territories that were under Turkey's control before the start of the war must not be taken away from Turkey
  • Prominent leaders of the Khilafat movement
    • Maulana Muhammad Ali Jauhar
    • Maulana Shokat Ali
    • Maulana Abdul Bari
    • Hakeem Ajmal Khan
    • Dr. Mukhtar Ansari
    • Barrister Jan Mohammad Junejo
  • Actions taken by the Khilafat movement leaders
    1. Organized rallies and protests to emphasize the significance of the Khilafat institution to the British government
  • The attitude of the British government was not favorable toward the Turkish issue, and the delegation returned to India empty-handed
  • Gandhi
    Prominent Hindu leader who joined the Khilafat movement and earned respect from the Muslim community
  • Khilafat movement
    1. Gandhi advised Muslims to resign from government jobs
    2. Abstain from attending educational institutions
    3. Boycott courts
    4. Renounce their titles
  • Hijrat Movement

    Maulana Abdul Bari Farangi and Maulana Abu-al-Kalam Azad issued a fatwa stating that India was a Dar-ul-Harb (House of War), and they believed there were threats to the lives of Muslims and the practice of Islam. Consequently, they advised Muslims to consider leaving India and seek refuge in an Islamic country.
  • Approximately 18,000 Muslims attempted to migrate to Afghanistan following the issuance of the Fatwa, but the Afghan government refused to enter Indian Muslims into their territory, leaving the helpless individuals with no choice but to return to their homes.
  • Gandhi's Decision to Call off the Khilafat Movement

    Firstly, the Moplas, who were from Arab descent and settled on the Malabar shores, protested during the Khilafat movement. Some were arrested, and nearly 400 of them were killed by the British government. The Moplas subsequently rebelled, engaging in guerrilla warfare against the British government and targeting British officers as well as some Hindu neighbors. Gandhi strongly criticized the violent activities of Moplas.<|>Secondly, in the beginning of 1922, Gandhi launched his non-cooperation movement from Chauri Chaura, a small town in Farakhabad District. On February 5th, 1922, people of Chauri Chaura staged a demonstration and declared their refusal to pay taxes and obey government laws. The police attempted to disperse the demonstrators through the use of force. The mob set fire to 22 policemen. Gandhi immediately called off the non-cooperation movement and the Khilafat movement.
  • The Khilafat Movement was initiated with great enthusiasm by the Indian Muslims; however, it ultimately ended in failure. The historical institution of the Khilafat was not abolished by the Allied Forces, but rather by Mustafa Kamal Ataturk, a Turkish Muslim.
  • The Khilafat movement left significant influences on Indian politics. The Muslims learned a lesson not to trust Gandhi's philosophy. They gained confidence and political maturity.
  • The Indian government introduced Montague-Chelmsford Reforms in 1919. It announced that after ten years, a commission would be sent to India to assess the results of reforms and recommend further reforms for Indians.
  • In 1927, the Simon Commission was instituted to assess the results of the Montague-Chelmsford Reforms and recommend further reforms for Indians.
  • The Indian leadership boycotted the Simon Commission, and the slogan "Simon Go Back" was raised in India against the Commission.
  • The Nehru Report was presented in 1928. A committee was formed, headed by Motilal Nehru, to draft proposals for constitutional reforms.
  • The Muslims were divided on the Nehru Report proposals. Muhammad Ali Jinnah presented his own proposals, which included demands for separate electorates and provincial autonomy.
  • What year did the Khilafat Movement start?
  • What were the main objectives of the Khilafat Movement?
    • Turkish Khilafat not to be abolished
    • Muslims' sacred places not to be disrespected
    • Territories under Turkey's control before the war not to be taken away
  • Who were some prominent leaders of the Khilafat Movement?
    Maulana Muhammad Ali Jauhar, Abdul Bari, Hakeem Ajmal Khan
  • What actions did leaders of the Khilafat Movement take to emphasize their cause?
    They organized rallies and protests.
  • What was the significance of the delegation sent to England?
    To highlight the issues concerning the Khilafat Movement.
  • Who were some members of the delegation that met British Parliamentarians?
    Syed Solaiman Nadvi, Syed Husain, Moulana Muhammad Ali Jauhar
  • What were the results of the delegation's meeting with British Parliamentarians?
    The results were not favorable for the Khilafat Movement.
  • What role did Gandhi play in the Khilafat Movement?
    Gandhi joined the Khilafat Movement and earned respect from Muslims.
  • What actions did Gandhi advise Muslims to take during the Khilafat Movement?
    • Resign from government jobs
    • Abstain from attending educational institutes
    • Boycott courts
    • Renounce their titles
  • What was the Hijrat Movement?
    It was the migration of Muslims advised to leave India for an Islamic country.
  • Who issued the Fatwa that labeled India as Dar-ul-Harb?
    Maulana Abdul Bari Farangi issued the Fatwa.
  • What was the belief behind the Fatwa issued by Maulana Abdul Bari Farangi?
    It stated that there were threats to the lives of Muslims in India.
  • How many Muslims approximately migrated to Afghanistan following the Fatwa?
    Approximately 15,000 Muslims migrated.
  • What happened to the Muslims who migrated to Afghanistan?
    They were not allowed to return by the Afghan government.
  • What were the two specific reasons for Gandhi's detachment from the Khilafat Movement?
    1. The Moplas protests led to violence and arrests.
    2. The Chauri Chaura incident where demonstrators refused to pay taxes and were met with police force.
  • What was the outcome of the Moplah protests during the Khilafat Movement?
    Approximately 400 were killed by the British government.
  • What type of warfare did the Moplahs engage in during their rebellion?
    They engaged in guerrilla warfare.
  • What was Gandhi's response to the violent acts during the Khilafat Movement?
    Gandhi strongly criticized the violent acts.
  • What significant event occurred at Chauri Chaura in February 1922?
    People refused to pay taxes and staged a demonstration.
  • What was the police's response to the demonstration at Chauri Chaura?
    The police attempted to disperse the demonstrators by force.
  • Members of delegation to England
    Syed Sulaiman Nadvi
    Syed Husain
    Maulana Muhammad Ali Jauhar
    Hasan Hayat