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  • Tribal-small communities

    The Philippines is a small community because there are very clear systems and different rules
  • Sultanism
    There is no clear system because we don't have a Philippine nation because we are separated
  • Before the Spaniards arrived, the inhabitants of the Philippines were a diverse agglomeration of peoples almost all of Malay ethnic stock
  • Pre-Spanish Era
    1. Hunting
    2. Fishing
    3. Shifting cultivation
    4. Sedentary rice cultivation
  • Barangay/Balangay
    A kinship group of fewer than one hundred households, remains the most basic political unit in the Philippines
  • Blood relations, kinship and familial ties are still common, especially in rural areas. In urban centers, however, barangays are often bigger with a diverse population that brings about migration
  • These small political units are able to nurture a great sense of community. So much so that people are willing to do anything for their families
  • The importance of kinship has also resulted in practices such as patronage politics and padrino system
  • Datu/Chieftain
    Largest political unit and headed
  • Tolerance for corruption or inefficiency is apparent because of the desire to prevent conflict and criticism and preserve these relationships
  • Reliance to the head of government (as in the Datu then) is also common. Politicians are often regarded as the saviors of the Filipino people
  • The early economic exchanges and the trading partners have helped nurture cordial relations with many other states in the present
  • We are very diverse. We see the diversity of Filipino culture, traditions and, practices, languages, and even religious beliefs
  • Animism
    Was the religion of the early Filipinos
  • Literacy was, for the time, widespread
  • Chinese traders had been visiting some ports since at least A.D 1000, enriching both the local technology and the local vocabulary and Chinese settlers began to reside in the islands a few centuries later
  • Filipino family
    Based on reckoning the blood line and inheritance through both the mother and the father
  • Bilateral kinship
    Women being of approximately equal status to men
  • Kaingin/Slash and burn
    Was the dominant agriculture mode in the pre-spanish era, involving the destruction of forests for short-term cultivation of a particular plot, exhausting its fertility, then the farmer moved on to repeat the process
  • The datus supervision of the use of communal lands of the barangay and the recognition cultivators right of usufruct but not of alienation survive among muslims in some areas
  • The origin of the bloody struggle between Christians and non-christians in Mindanao is the CLASH OF TWO DISTINCT SETS OF LEGAL CUSTOMS
  • The datu's land rights were meaningless without loyal cultivstors, and so a leaders status and power came to be measured primarily in temrs of the number of clients or followers he had
  • The tendency toward consultative decision making among barangay elders, have led some Filipinos to regard among barangay as the cradle of Filipino democracy
  • The Philippines became predominantly Catholic instead in the 16 century because the Spaniards came
  • We saw the dangers of over concentration of power (centralization). Hence the efforts to decentralize and empower lower levels of government other than the center and integrate the systems of check and balance
  • The institutionalization of corruption by exploiting public for private interests and rewards remains
  • Indifference and lack of commitment to public office among civil servants and bureaucrats persist due to the greater patronage and corruption in the system
  • Land is POWER. Land has become an important resource base for socioeconomic and political elites
  • More than three centuries of colonization have incalculated a disposition to submit to authority without question
  • Parochial political culture is expected. This means that people have very limited interest in and knowledge of politics. Political participation is in effect constrained
  • Indios are not consider as citizen we are not part of the life, we are absent
  • The separation of Church and State, in an attempt to securalize Philippine society, is instituionalized. However, the role of the Church continues to evolve over the years
  • The Church is not only a religious institution, it is sociopolitical. It is a key agent in political socialization. It can influence the public policy process, especially on progressive issues that challenge traditional order
  • The extent of evangelization is manifested in architecture, arts and music, language, tradition, and practices
  • It is important to have law but it is not necessary to follow it
  • Spice and gold turned single-mindedly to evangelism
  • Cebu- first permanent Spanish settlement in the Philippines in 1565
  • Manila- was founded in 1571
  • By the end of the 16 century most coastal and lowland areas from LUZON TO NORTHERN MINDANAO WERE SPANISH CONTROL
  • For 3 century the Philippines was governed by a peculiar blend of civil, military, and ecclesiastical authority