Geography Lesson 3

Cards (5)

  • what is the long profile
    shows how a rivers gradient changes from its source to its mouth
  • upper course
    energy - low
    erosion - vertical
    transportation- low traction
    deposition- low
    velocity- low
    size of bed load- large eg. boulders
    size of channel- narrow
  • middle course
    energy- medium
    erosion- vertical
    transportation- medium saltation
    deposition- medium
    velocity of river- medium
    size of bed load- medium eg sand
    size of channel- medium
  • lower course
    energy- high
    erosion- lateral
    transportation- suspension
    deposition- high
    velocity of river- high
    size of bed load- small, slits and clays
    size of channel- wide and deep
  • what is discharge
    the volume of water passing through a given point on the river and is measured in cubic metres per second (cumecs)