Behaviorists do not believe in biological determinism, they view personality as significantly shaped by the reinforcements and consequences outside of the organism. People behave in a consistent manner based on prior learning.
Environment is solely responsible for all behavior, including the enduring, consistent behavior patterns studied by personality theorists. Personality develops over our entire life, not only in the first few years.
As a young woman she was a risk taker, but after getting married and having children, the system of reinforcements and punishments in her environment changed, so she no longer engages in those behaviors and now describes herself as cautious.
Emphasizes both learning and cognition as sources of individual differences in personality. Includes concepts of reciprocal determinism, observational learning, and self-efficacy.
The process of identifying a goal or set of goals and, in pursuing these goals, using both internal (e.g., thoughts and affect) and external (e.g., responses of anything or anyone in the environment) feedback to maximize goal attainment