Cards (6)

  • is concerned with human resources requirements from within and outside the organization.
    Supply forecasting
  • The first step of forecasting the future supply of human resource is to obtain the data and information about the present human resource inventory.
  • analysis of each employee’s skills and abilities.
    Human Resource Audits
  • This is done to identify the employees who leave the organization and to forecast future losses likely to occur due to various reasons.
    Employee Wastage
  • Analysis is undertaken regarding the vacancies likely due to retirements and transfer and the employees of particular groups and categories who are likely to be promoted.
    Internal Promotions
    1. Integration with Organizational Plans. 2. Period of HR Planning. 3. Proper Organization. 4. Support of Top Management. 5. Involvement of Operating Executives. 6. Efficient and Reliable Information System. 7. Balanced Approach.