Business Notes

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  • Companies Act
    A legal document that outlines the laws and regulations to set up a company
  • Share
    A voucher that represents a unit of capital
  • Shareholder
    One who invests in a company by buying its shares
  • Share certificate
    An official document stating the number of shares that the shareholders have in the company
  • Dividend
    The part of company's profits that is distributed to shareholders
  • Board of Directors
    Those who have been elected by shareholders to manage the company
  • Limited liability
    Shareholders will lose only the initial amount invested in case the company goes bankrupt
  • Registrar of Companies
    The authority that registers companies and issues the certificate of incorporation to allow the business to start its operation
  • Memorandum of Association
    A legal document which provides details such as company's name, physical address of registered office, names of shareholders and the distribution of shares
  • Articles of Association
    A document that specifies the internal rules of a company
  • Certificate of Incorporation
    A legal document showing the official date a company can start operating
  • Annual General Meeting (AGM)

    A yearly meeting where shareholders elect the directors of a company and the annual report about the performance of business is presented and approved
  • Types of company
    • Private Limited Company
    • Public Limited Company
  • Steps for registration of a company
    1. Application forms
    2. Registration
    3. Certificate of Incorporation
  • Private Limited Company
    • A business that raises capital from a small number of shareholders such friends and/or relatives
  • Public Limited Company
    • A business that raises capital by issuing shares to members of the general public. It is usually larger than a private limited company
  • Company
    • Must be incorporated at the Registrar of Companies, has a separate legal identity from the owners, shareholders are the owners, managed by a Board of Directors, shareholders have limited liability, profits are distributed as dividend
  • Cooperative
    A business organisation which is owned and run jointly by its members, who share the profits or benefits
  • Setting up a cooperative
    1. Application to the Cooperatives Division
    2. Registration
    3. Certificate of Registration
  • Features of a cooperative
    • Must be registered, Owners are members who buy shares, Each member has one voting right, Members have limited liability, Gains are shared as dividend
  • Franchise
    An enterprise that has a license from a franchisor to sell its products or services
  • Features of a franchise
    • Franchisee buys a license of operation from the franchisor, Franchisee runs and controls the enterprise
  • Entrepreneur
    An individual who sets up an enterprise by taking risks and who aims at making profit
  • Functions of an entrepreneur
    • Planning
    • Organising
    • Staffing
    • Leading
    • Controlling
  • Responsibilities of an entrepreneur
    • Keep accounting records
    • Recruit and train workers
    • Promote the products
    • Order raw materials or goods for resale
    • Look after the finance of the enterprise
    • Handle customers
  • Qualities of an entrepreneur
    • Innovative
    • Skilful
    • Intelligent
    • Risk taker
    • Self-confident
    • Passionate
  • Stakeholders
    People, groups or organisations that take interest in activities and decisions taken by a business
  • Stakeholders, their roles and objectives
    • Owners - Set up enterprise
    • Managers - Organise and run the business
  • Qualities of a leader entrepreneur

    • Skilful
    • Intelligent
    • Risk taker
    • Self-confident
    • Passionate
  • Stakeholders
    • Owners
    • Managers
    • Employees
    • Suppliers
    • Consumers
    • Government
    • Community/Society
  • Roles of stakeholders
    Owners set up enterprise<|>Managers organise and run the business<|>Employees are the workers and they spend significant time in the organisation<|>Suppliers provide raw materials and other input to the enterprise<|>Consumers are the buyers of the goods and services that the enterprise provides on the market<|>Government regulates and monitors the running of businesses<|>The society includes people or groups who are directly or indirectly influenced by the activities of the enterprise
  • Objectives of stakeholders
    To maximise profits<|>To expand the business<|>To drive the enterprise to success<|>To earn high salaries<|>To have a secured job<|>To earn a fair pay (wages and salaries)<|>To ensure their jobs are secured<|>To have a timely payment for goods supplied to the enterprise<|>To ensure safe, reliable and value for money products<|>To ensure that jobs are created<|>To ensure that the enterprise abides by laws<|>To ensure that the activities of the enterprises do not harm the society
  • Business risk
    Any factor that represents a threat to an enterprise's ability to achieve its goals
  • Types of risk
    • Strategic risks
    • Operational risks
    • Financial risks
    • Compliance risks
  • Steps of risk management
    1. Identify potential risk(s)
    2. Assess the impact of loss
    3. Develop a plan to mitigate the risk(s)
    4. Implement the plan
    5. Review and evaluate the plan
  • Communication process
    The flow of information from the sender (the transmitter) to the receiver (the recipient)
  • Features of the communication process
    • Sender
    • Message
    • Medium of communication
    • Receiver
    • Feedback
  • Effective communication is a two-way process between the sender and the receiver, where a feedback is provided
  • Causes of ineffective communication
    • Language
    • Medium
    • Technical problems
    • Distractions
  • Importance of effective communication in an enterprise
    Leads to orders placed on time (Supplier)<|>Employees know about job expectations<|>The enterprise is able to meet customers' orders on time<|>It leads to quicker decisions taken by the entrepreneur