
Cards (17)

  • Market
    Where buyers and sellers meet to exchange goods and services against a payment
  • Effective demand
    Willingness and ability to buy a commodity at a given price over a given period of time
  • Law of demand
    More is bought at a lower price than higher price and vice-versa
  • Law of demand
    1. P ↑ Qd
    2. P ↓ Qd
  • Demand schedule
    A table which shows the quantity demanded of commodities at given prices
  • Demand curve
    A diagram that shows the quantity demanded of a commodity at each price
  • Factors affecting demand of a product
    • Price of the product itself
    • Income of consumer
    • Population
    • Tastes and preferences
    • Climate
  • Price of the product itself

    • A fall in price will increase the quantity demanded, and vice versa
  • Income of consumer
    • More is bought when income increases
  • Population
    • An increase in population would cause an increase in the demand for commodities, for e.g, food, education and healthcare
  • Tastes and preferences
    • Fashionable items are trendy and usually high in demand, for example, slim fit jeans
  • Climate
    • People buy some specific commodities in particular climate, for example, demand of warm clothes will increase in winter
  • Supply
    The quantity of a commodity offered for sale by sellers on the market at a given price and time
  • Law of supply
    A rise in the price of a commodity will raise quantity supplied, and vice versa
  • Law of supply
    P ↑ Qs
  • Supply schedule
    A table which shows the quantity supplied of commodities at each price
  • Supply curve
    A diagram that shows the quantity supplied at each price