Cards (10)

  • asks a set of predetermined questions to each candidate
    Structured Interview
  • asks open-ended questions and allows the conversation to flow naturally.
    Unstructured Interview
  • require the candidate to provide specific examples of how they have handled situations in the past
    Behavioral Interview
  • asks hypothetical questions about how the candidate would handle specific situations in the workplace.
    Situational Interview
  • candidate is interviewed by a group of people from the organization, such as a hiring manager, HR representative, and potential colleagues.
    Panel Interview
  • conducted over the phone, often used as a screening tool before inviting candidates for an in-person interview.

    Phone Interview
  • conducted through video conferencing software, often used when candidates are unable to attend an inperson interview
    Video Interview
  • multiple candidates are interviewed together, often used to assess teamwork and collaboration skills.
    Group Interview
  • candidate is asked technical questions related to their field, often used for technical positions such as software development or engineering.
    Technical Interview
  • used to gauge a candidate's response to stress; gives the hiring team an idea of how the candidate shall respond when juggling various high-priority tasks, dealing with challenging clients, or facing a difficult co-worker or manager.
    Stress Interview