Animal Studies of Attachment

    Cards (14)

    • Imprinting
      The process by which certain animals form attachments during a critical period very early in life
    • Lorenz's research procedure
      - He divided a group of goose eggs.
      - Half the eggs were hatched with the mother goose in their natural environment.
      - The other half hatched in an incubator where the first moving object they saw was Lorenz.
    • Lorenz's research findings

      Newly hatched chicks attach to the first moving object they see (imprinting)
    • Critical period (Lorenz)

      Makes imprinting possible & signifies a special time when a behavior must be learned, or the behavior won't be learned at all.
    • Sexual imprinting (Lorenz)
      - Found a correlation between imprinting and adult mate preferences.
      - Animals imprinting on humans would later display attraction towards humans.
    • Contact comfort
      Stimulation and reassurance derived from the physical touch of a caregiver
    • Harlow's research procedure
      - Baby monkeys given cloth-covered or plain-wire 'mother' with feeding bottle attached.
    • Harlow's research findings
      - Monkeys clung to cloth surrogate rather than wire one, regardless of which dispensed milk.
    • Maternal deprivation (Harlow)

      - Investigated if maternal deprivation is permanent.
      - Monkeys with wire mothers only = most dysfunctional.
      - Even those with cloth didn't develop normal social behaviour.
      - More aggressive / less sociable
      - Some deprived/ attacked own children
    • The critical period for normal development
      - Like Lorenz, Harlow concluded that there was a critical period for this behaviour.
      - A mother figure had to be introduced to an infant monkey within 90 days for an attachment to form.
      - After this time attachment was impossible & the damage done by early deprivation became irreversible.
    • Strength of Lorenz's research

      Research support
      - Regolin and Valloritgara (1995) exposed chicks to compound shapes that move.
      - A range of shape combinations were moved in front of them, and they followed the original most closely.

      Highly influential
      - Bowlby argued that there is a similar critical period for humans, 6 to 30 months.
      - And if attachment doesn't form in that time, it will result in permanent social problems.
      - HOWEVER, later research on orphans suggests this period is "sensitive", not critical, but later care can help with recovery.

      Real-world value
      - Helped social workers and clinical psychologists understand that a lack of bonding experience may be a risk factor in child development allowing them to intervene to prevent poor outcomes.
    • Limitation of Lorenz's research
      Generalizability to humans
      - The mammalian attachment system is quite different and more complex than that in humans.
      - Not appropriate to generalize Lorenz's ideas to humans.

      - The suffering was real, and public knowledge of these studies has harmed psychology's reputation.
      - HOWEVER, some psychologists argue that the long-term benefits to millions of human infants resulting from Harlow's research justify the studies when considering a cost-benefit analysis.
    • Strength of Harlow's research
      Real-world value
      - Helped social workers and clinical psychologists understand that a lack of bonding experience may be a risk factor in child development allowing them to intervene to prevent poor outcomes.
    • Limitation of Harlow's research
      Generalisability to humans
      - The human brain and human behaviour is more complex than monkeys.
      - Not appropriate to generalise Harlow's findings to humans.
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