
    Cards (29)

    • Phobias
      A group of anxiety disorders involving a pathological fear of a specific object or situation
    • Specific phobia
      Fear of objects or specific situations or events
    • Social anxiety (social phobia)

      Phobia of a social situation such as public speaking or using a public toilet
    • Agoraphobia
      An abnormal fear of open or public places
    • Behavioural characteristics of phobias
      - Panic
      - Avoidance
      - Endurance
    • Emotional characteristics of phobias
      - Anxiety
      - Emotional responses are unreasonable
    • Cognitive characteristics of phobias
      - Selective attention
      - Irrational beliefs
      - Cognitive distortions
    • The two-process model

      A theory that explains the two processes that lead to the development of phobias - they begin through classical conditioning and are maintained through operant conditioning
    • Classical conditioning
      A type of learning in which one learns to link two or more stimuli and anticipate events
    • Operant conditioning

      Learning based on the consequences of responding.
    • Neutral stimulus
      A stimulus that does not initially elicit a response (something we initially have no fear of)
    • Unconditioned stimulus
      Something that reliably produces a naturally occurring reaction in an organism (already triggers a fear response)
    • Unconditioned response

      A reflexive reaction that is reliably produced by an unconditioned stimulus (reflex)
    • Conditioned stimulus
      A stimulus that elicits a response only after learning has taken place (we are now afraid of this)
    • Conditioned response
      A learned response to a conditioned stimulus
    • Generalised
      The results from the sample can be said to apply to the target population
    • Negative reinforcement
      - Increasing behaviours by stopping or reducing negative stimuli, such as shock.
      - A negative reinforcer is any stimulus that, when removed after a response, strengthens the response.
      - (Note: negative reinforcement is not punishment.)
    • Positive reinforcement
      - Increasing behaviours by presenting positive stimuli, such as food.
      - A positive reinforcer is any stimulus that, when presented after a response, strengthens the response.
    • Strengths of the behavioural approach to explaining phobias
      Real-world application
      - Exposure therapies

      Research support
      - Little Albert case study
    • Limitations of the behavioural approach to explaining phobias
      Cognitive aspects of phobias
      - It doesn't account for the cognitive aspects of phobias.
    • systematic desensitisation
      A treatment for phobias in which the person is taught to relax and then is gradually exposed to the feared object, activity or event
    • Behavioural therapy
      A style of psychotherapy in which the therapist uses the principles of classical and operant conditioning to change the person's behaviour from maladaptive to adaptive.
    • Counterconditioning
      - A behaviour therapy procedure that conditions new responses to stimuli that trigger unwanted behaviours; based on classical conditioning.
      - Includes exposure therapies and aversive conditioning.
    • The anxiety hierarchy
      A rank-ordered list of what the client fears, starting with the least frightening and ending with the most frightening.
    • Strengths of systematic desensitisation
      Evidence of effectiveness
      - Gilroy et al (2003) - At both 3 and 33 months, the systematic desensitisation group were less fearful than a control group treated by relaxation without exposure.

      People with learning difficulties
      - People with learning difficulties often struggle with cognitive therapies that require complex rational thought.
    • Flooding
      A treatment for phobias in which clients are exposed repeatedly and intensively to a feared object and made to see that it is actually harmless
    • How does flooding work?
      - Very quick learning through extinction - without the option of avoidance behaviour, the patient quickly learns that the phobic object is harmless through the exhaustion of their fear response.
      - This is known as extinction.
    • Strength of flooding
      - More people can be treated at the same cost with flooding than SD or other therapies.
    • Limitation of flooding
      - Raises the ethical issue for psychologists knowingly causing stress to their clients, although this is not a serious issue provided they obtain informed consent.
      - The traumatic nature of flooding means that attrition (dropout) rates are higher than for SD.
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