- The emotive language will make them feel and lean towards the side that the author of the questionnaire was on.
- This is because sometimes the author attitudes towards a particular topic are clear from the way in which the question is phrased through emotivelanguage.
- Leadingquestions guides the respondent towards a particular answer
E.g. boxing is a barbaric sport, and any sane person would want it banned.
Two questions in one, participants may agree with one part of the question but not the other, double negatives can be difficult for participants to understand
Double-barreled question - Do you agree with the following statement? Premier league footballers are overpaid and should have to give 20% of their wages to charity.
- The emotive language will make them feel and lean towards the side that the author of the questionnaire was on.
- This is because sometimes the author attitudes towards a particular topic are clear from the way in which the question is phrased through emotivelanguage.
- Leadingquestions guides the respondent towards a particular answer
E.g. boxing is a barbaric sport, and any sane person would want it banned.
Two questions in one, participants may agree with one part of the question but not the other, double negatives can be difficult for participants to understand
Double-barreled question - Do you agree with the following statement? Premier league footballers are overpaid and should have to give 20% of their wages to charity.