Terms used to describe directions within the body as well as the body's reference planes, cavities, and regions
Directional terms
Superior and inferior
Anterior and posterior
Ventral and dorsal
Medial and lateral
Proximal and distal
Superficial and deep
Toward the front of the body
Toward the back of the body
Toward the front of the body
Toward the back of the body
Toward the body's midline
Away from the body's midline
Closest to the point of origin (or to the trunk)
Farthest from the point of origin (or to the trunk)
Toward or at the body surface
Farthest from the body surface
Reference planes
Imaginary lines or surfaces used to section the body and its organs
Major body reference planes
Median sagittal
Median sagittal plane
Imaginary line that splits something into left and right halves
Frontal plane
Divides things into front and back parts
Transverse plane
Divides things into top and bottom parts
Oblique plane
Slanted plane that lies between a horizontal plane and a vertical plane
Body cavities
Spaces within the body that contain the internal organs
Major body cavities
Dorsal cavity
Ventral cavity
Dorsal cavity
Located in the posterior region of the body, further subdivided into the cranial and vertebral cavities
Cranial cavity
Encases the brain
Vertebral cavity
Formed by the vertebrae, encloses the spinal cord
Ventral cavity
Occupies the anterior region of the trunk, subdivided into the thoracic and abdominopelvic cavities
Thoracic cavity
Located superior to the abdominopelvic cavity, subdivided into the pleural cavities and the mediastinum
Pleural cavities
Each contains a lung
Houses the heart, large vessels, trachea, esophagus, thymus, lymph nodes, and other blood vessels and nerves
Abdominopelvic cavity
Has two regions: the abdominal cavity and the pelvic cavity
Abdominal cavity
Contains the stomach, intestines, spleen, liver, and other organs
Pelvic cavity
Located inferior to the abdominal cavity, contains the bladder, some reproductive organs, and the rectum
Other body cavities
Oral cavity (mouth)
Nasal cavity (nose)
Orbital cavities (eyes)
Middle ear cavities
Synovial cavities (joints)
Body regions
Used to designate body areas that have special nerves or vascular supplies or perform special functions
Abdominal regions
Umbilical region
Epigastric region
Hypogastric region
Right and left iliac (inguinal) regions
Right and left lumbar (loin) regions
Right and left hypochondriac regions
Umbilical region
Area around the umbilicus, includes sections of the small and large intestines, inferior vena cava, and abdominal aorta
Epigastric region
Superior to the umbilical region, contains most of the pancreas and portions of the stomach, liver, inferior vena cava, abdominal aorta, and duodenum
Hypogastric region
Inferior to the umbilical region, houses a portion of the sigmoid colon, the urinary bladder and ureters, the uterus and ovaries (in females), and portions of the small intestine
Right and left iliac (inguinal) regions
Situated on either side of the hypogastric region, include portions of the small and large intestines
Right and left lumbar (loin) regions
Located on either side of the umbilical region, include portions of the small and large intestines and portions of the kidneys