Cards (9)

  • Earliest known case (Guangdong Province, China)

    November, 2002
  • Outbreak and Worldwide Surveillance
    March 12, 2003
  • First case in the Philippines
    April 11, 2003
  • Etiologic Agent
    Human coronavirus
  • Mode of Transmission
    Droplet Contact
  • Incubation Period
    Mean incubation period is 5 days (range 2-10 days) and may reach up to 14 days
  • Clinical Manifestations
    1. Prodromal Phase:
    2. Fever 38°C (Initial Sign)
    3. Chills
    4. Malaise
    5. Myalgia
    6. Headache
    7. Respiratory Phase:
    8. Dry, non-productive cough with or without respiratory distress
    9. Hypoxia
    10. Crackles
    11. Dullness on percussion
    12. Decreased breath sounds on physical examination
  • Preventive Measures and Control
    • Screen patents for travel hx, symptoms and/or close contact ith cases
    • Isolation of suspected probable case
    • Barrier nursing technique for suspected and probable cases
  • Nursing Care
    1. Maintain Isolation Measures
    2. Utilize Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
    3. Apply principle of hand washing