General Science

Cards (270)

  • Science
    Systematized body of knowledge and facts about nature<|>A logical, uniform system of thought
  • Six mental skills
    • Observe
    • Infer
    • Measure
    • Classify
    • Experiment
    • Communicate
  • Scientific method
    1. Observation
    2. Identifying the problem
    3. Formulating the hypothesis
    4. Experimentation
    5. Conclusion
    6. Formation of law
    7. Continual re-examination
  • Deductive reasoning
    Analysis of specific cases using general principles
  • Inductive reasoning
    Method of discovering general principles by careful examination of specific cases
  • Hypothesis
    Tentative explanation for a phenomenon
  • Theory
    A hypothesis that has survived repeated challenges and accumulated substantial report; may be modified or discarded
  • Law or principle
    Formal statement of the way in which events occur under given situation; factual and always correct
  • Technology
    Application of science
  • Atmosphere
    Blanket of air surrounding the earth
  • Atmospheric gases
    • Nitrogen
    • Oxygen
    • Methane
    • Carbon dioxide
  • Layers of atmosphere
    • Troposphere
    • Stratosphere
    • Mesosphere
    • Ionosphere
  • Ionosphere layers
    • Thermosphere
    • Exosphere
  • Hydrology
    The study of earth on and within the earth
  • Water in the atmosphere
    • Humidity
    • Dew point
    • Dew
    • Frost
    • Cloud
    • Cumulus
    • Stratus
    • Cirrus
    • Fog
    • Cumulo-nimbus
    • Precipitation
    • Hydrologic cycle
  • Air pressure
    Force exerted by air on a given area
  • Newton is the unit of force
  • Pascal is the unit of pressure
  • Pressure
    The amount of force exerted per unit area
  • Wind
    • South wind
    • North wind
    • Breeze
    • Sea breeze
    • Monsoon
    • Wind vane
    • Anemometer
    • Weather balloon
  • Low pressure area

    Areas with rapidly decreasing pressure indicates an approaching storm
  • High pressure area
    This indicates clear skies and a dry condition
  • Weather
    The state of the atmosphere with regard to temperature, cloudiness, rainfall, wind, and other meteorological conditions
  • Climate
    The average weather or the regular variations in weather in a region over a period of years
  • Diastrophism
    The movement of all solid parts of the earth
  • Direction of forces and movements they produce
    • Upward forces
    • Downward forces
    • Sideward force
  • Effects of diastrophism
    • Folding
    • Faulting
  • Causes of diastrophism
    • Continental drift theory
    • Theory of seafloor spreading
    • Plate tectonic theory
  • Plate boundaries
    • Spreading or divergent boundary
    • Colliding or convergent boundary
    • Fracture or transform boundary
  • Volcanism
    The building up of landforms due to volcanic activities is rapid and process is dramatic
  • Classification of volcanoes
    • Quiet
    • Explosive
    • Intermediate
  • Earthquakes
    • Tectonic
    • Volcanic
  • Earthquake terms

    • Epicentre
    • Tidal wave
    • Intensity
    • Magnitude
    • Richter scale
    • Mercalli scale
    • Seismograph
    • Seismogram
  • Kinds of rocks
    • Igneous rocks
    • Sedimentary rocks
    • Metamorphic rocks
  • Igneous rocks
    • Lava
    • Igneous intrusive
    • Extrusive igneous rocks
  • Sedimentary rocks
    • Fragmental rocks
  • Moh's scale of hardness
  • Weathering
    The process of breaking down rocks into smaller particles to become soil. A prerequisite of erosion
  • Erosion
    The rock masses that crumble are further loosened and transported from one place to another by another natural process
  • Ecosystem
    Refers to the environment where living and non-living components exist and interact with each other