Cards (285)

  • Outbreak
    Sudden unexpected occurrence of a disease in a given population
  • Zoonotic
    Disease transmitted from animals to humans
  • Endemic
    Disease regularly found in a particular population or area
  • Helicobacter pylori
    Causative agent of peptic ulcer
  • "Four o'clock habit"

    Promoted by Department of Health to prevent spread of malaria
  • ZDU
    First drug available for HIV
  • Anaphylaxis
    Immediate hypersensitivity reaction following exposure of a sensitized individual to the appropriate antigen
  • Pilus
    Thin proteinaceous appendage necessary for bacterial conjugation
  • Nitrosamines
    Carcinogenic compounds formed when nitrite reacts with amines in food
  • Chlorine
    Disinfectant of choice for municipal water supply
  • Fomite
    Object able to harbour and transmit microorganisms
  • Artificially acquired passive immunity
    Developed after vaccination with immunoglobulin preparations
  • Nosocomial infections
    Infections developed while the patient is in the hospital
  • Toxigenicity
    Capacity of an organism to produce a toxin
  • Fecal coliforms
    Cause for Boracay water being declared unsafe
  • Vibrios
    Rod-shaped bacteria curved from commas
  • Endotoxin
    Heat stable lipopolysaccharide in the outer membrane of gram-negative cell wall that is toxic to the host
  • Invasiveness
    Ability of a microorganism to enter a host, grow, reproduce and spread throughout its body
  • Symbiosis
    Intimate living together of members of two different species
  • Biodegradable
    Plastics that can be decomposed by microorganisms
  • Tinea corporis
    Ringworm infection with whitish patches on human skin
  • Legionella pneumophila
    Causative agent of pneumonia acquired by inhalation from air-conditioners
  • Zoonotic disease

    Disease transmitted from animals to humans
  • Mycobacterium leprae
    Causative agent of Hansen's disease
  • Moist heat sterilization
    Makes use of an autoclave, causes oxidation of cell components, makes use of steam under pressure, can kill both vegetative cells and spores
  • Capsule
    Cellular structure equated for drug resistance
  • R plasmids
    Bacterial genes responsible for drug resistance
  • Protozoa, Rickettias, Chlamydias, Myoplasmas
    Microorganisms that can be transmitted to humans by animal vectors like insects
  • Salvarsan
    First chemotherapeutic agent significantly discovered and evaluated
  • Thioglycollate agar
    Example of anaerobic media
  • Disinfectant
    Chemical agent that kills the vegetative forms of pathogenic microorganisms but not necessarily the spores
    1. ray
    Example of ionizing radiation
  • Mitochondria
    Primary site of electron transport system in eukaryotes
  • Mycoplasms
    Organism with atypical cell wall
  • Koch's postulates
    Suspected organism should be present in healthy individuals, organism must be isolated and grown as pure culture in the laboratory, organism must initiate the symptoms of the disease in healthy animals, organism must be re-isolated from the animal and be cultured
  • Louis Pasteur
    Terms "aerobic" and "anaerobic", Fractional sterilization, Pasteur flask, Fermentation
  • Pleomorphism
    Phenomenon wherein an organism exhibits plasticity
  • Bacillus stearothermophillus
    Biological sterilization indicator used to test autoclave efficiency
  • Log phase
    Phase in the bacterial growth curve wherein the culture is in the period of balanced growth
  • Germination
    Process by which bacterial endospore return to its vegetative state