Florence Nightingale was born in 1820 to a wealthy British family, Florence was given social and educational opportunities not afforded to most Victorian era women.
Microbe mediated biodegradation can be used to clean-up the environment, with many fungi and genetically engineered bacteria used to affect a gradual breakdown of most toxic wastes, oil spills, pesticides, detergents, and other environmental pollutants.
Nurses had no knowledge of disease or any of the medical knowledge of today, it was the very act of caring for an individual that was the essence of their practice.
Microorganisms are ubiquitous and abundant in the world around us, inhabiting the air we breathe, the food and water we eat and drink, the ground we walk on, and our bodies.
Eukaryotes possess a complex cellular structure, contain membrane-bound organelles such as mitochondria, lysosomes, endoplasmic reticulum and golgi bodies, and are most noted for their negative impact on the human lifestyle.
A human being consists of approximately 100 trillion cells, of which only 10% are mammalian in origin and the remaining 90% are microbes and together weigh about one-quarter of a pound.
Microbiologists study cell structure and function, physiology, characteristics that may cause disease, genetics, immunology, biochemistry, epidemiology, ecology, food microbiology, dairy microbiology, and aquatic microbiology.
Many microorganisms form cysts or spores when the food or water source disappears, enabling them to exist in a dormant state for years until the environment becomes more favorable.
Prokaryotes include the bacteria and cyanobacteria, which were formerly classified as blue-green algae, and possess a simple make-up that does not contain sub-cellular organelles.
Robert Koch proposed 4 postulates that could be used to prove whether or not an infectious agent is the cause of a disease: the causative agent must be present in every case of the disease and absent in healthy animals, the agent of disease can be isolated from the diseased animal and can be grown in pure culture, the disease can be reproduced by inoculating a portion of the pure culture into healthy animals, and the agent of disease can be re-isolated from the infected animal.