
Cards (19)

  • Mechanical ventilation
    Provide vent support resulting in satisfactory alveolar ventilation which is assessed by PaCO2 measurement
  • Normal PaCO2 range
    35 - 45 mmHg
  • Normal pH range
    7.35 - 7.45
  • COPD patients
    • Exception to the goal of normalizing PaCO2 in the range of 35 to 45 mmHg
    • Tend to have a PaCO2 range between 50 - 60 mmHg
  • Intentional hyperventilation
    Low PaCo2 levels produce cerebral vasoconstriction which reduces ICP
  • Target PaCO2 range for intentional hyperventilation
    26- 30 mmHg
  • Permissive hypercapnia

    Purposely delivering less VT to reduce alveolar pressures and minimize alveolar distention
  • Patient undergoing permissive hypercapnia
    PaCO2 rises, pH falls resulting in respiratory acidosis
  • Permissive hypercapnia
    • Should be avoided in patients with increased ICP levels, head trauma, cerebral edema, brain lesions, seizure disorders
  • Desired rate formula
    Desired F= (initial PaCO2 * Initial F) / Desired PaCO2
  • Desired VT formula
    Desired Vt= (Initial PaCO2 * initial VT) / Desired PaCO2
  • Desired Ve formula
    Desired Ve= (Initial PaCO2 * initial Ve) / desired PaCO2
  • Decreasing PaCO2 values for a patient on AC mode
    Increase RR, VT or inspiratory pressure
  • Increasing PaCO2 values for a patient on AC mode
    Decrease RR, VT, or inspiratory pressure
  • Factors affecting alveolar ventilation and PaCO2 values on SIMV mode
    • Mandatory RR, VT, Ins pressure, and PS (SPONT VT/F)
  • Decreasing PaCO2 values for a patient on SIMV mode
    Increase RR, VT, Ins Pressure and PS
  • Increasing PaCO2 values for a patient on SIMV mode
    Decrease RR, and Pressure support and increase VT, Ins Press
  • Increasing Pressure Support parameter
    Increases VT
  • Decreasing Pressure Support parameter
    Decreases VT