Def (adj.): characterized by a marked lack of movement, activity, or expression
“The ___ patient stared at the painting the whole day.”
Def (n.): a state in which someone is awake but does not seem to respond to other people and their environment
“His cousin was diagnosed with ___.”
Def (n.): the quality or condition of being double.
“The ___ of being a nanny and a mother is complicated.”
Def (v.): involve (something) as a necessary or inevitable part or consequence; require
“Medical school ___ a rigorous course load.”
Def (v.): mention or remember something from the past.
“The college’s motto ___ ___ to the day of its founding.”
Def (n.): concise and exact use of words in writing or speech.
“The ___ of the essay stunned the teacher.”
Def (adj.): about to happen.
“His call for help was ___.”
Def (n.): the appearance of being true or real; believable but fake
“The ___ of the novel keeps me on my feet.”
Def (adj.): relating to, denoting, or preserving the character of an early stage in the evolutionary or historical development of something; ancient
“The game converts people into ___ creatures.”
Def (adj.): having a quality or style that offers an extremely basic level of comfort, convenience, or efficiency.
“The ___ kitchen is efficient for the couple.”
Def (adj.): tormenting or teasing with the sight or promise of something unobtainable; causes desire and excitement in you, but is unlikely to provide a way of satisfying that desire
“The ___ candy attracted an influx of children into the store.”
Def (n.): a statement or proposition which is regarded as being established, accepted, or self-evidently true.
“He presented several ___ to support his claim.”
Def (n.): a feeling of anxiety or worry.
“There was ___ after his mother’s death.”
Def (v.): make (someone) worried or uneasy.
“The news ___ the town.”
Def (n.): an association, typically of several business companies; a group
“A ___ of teachers gathered to launch the tutoring project.”
Def (adj.): (of a plant, animal, or person) producing much fruit or foliage or many offspring.
“The ___ cow gave birth once again.”
Def (adj.): present in large numbers or quantities; plentiful; abundant
“The ___ flower makes up 75% of the botanical garden.”
Def (adj.): not quite right; inappropriate or out of place; wrong
“There’s something ___ about his behavior; I could not recognize him.”
Def (adv.): Wrongly or inappropriately
“He judged her ___, recognizing that she is a kind soul.”
Def (n.): a simple story used to illustrate a moral or spiritual lesson, as told by Jesus in the Gospels.
"Little kids hear ___ about Jesus.”
Def (v.): deliberately avoid using; abstain from; refrain from
“The teacher ___ yelling; she prefers to have a strong bond with her children.”
Def (n.): memory for the arrangement and relationships of objects in a spatial environment.
“Our _____ ___ allows us to recognize our surroundings.”
Def (adj.): (of a person's face) very pale with shock, fear, or illness.
“His face was ___ after he caught his wife having sex with his brother.”
Def (adj.): of the pale gray color of ash.
“He was wearing an ___ tee shirt.”
Def (n.): the action of thinking deeply about something; contemplation.
“He experiences ___ all the time, always zooming out.”
Def (adj.): (of an artist, author, or composer) producing many works.
“The ___ author has released six volumes in two years.”