module 2

Cards (16)

  • living organisms -are characterized by a highly organized structure and arranged in hierarchical pattern.
  • atom -a fundamental unit of matter
  • molecule -is a chemical structure consisting of at least two atoms held together by one or more chemical bonds
  • organism -an individual form of any kind of life; an animal, plant, fungus, etc.; an individual member of a species
  • organelle -formed from molecules, a structure that has a specific function within the cell.
  • cell -the building block of all organisms
  • prokaryotes -are single-celled organisms that do not have membrane-bound organelles
  • eukaryotes -have membrane-bound organelles like the nucleus
  • tissues -group of similar cells performing specific functions within an organism
  • organs -are collections of tissues grouped performing a common function, it is not only present in animals but also in plants
  • organ system -a higher level of organization that consists of functionally elated organs.
  • organisms -are living individual entities, simply defined as any living thing that is composed of various organ systems that function altogether
  • population -a group of organisms of the same species living together within a specific area/habitat are collectively
  • ecosystem -group of organisms having an interaction with non living environment
  • biosphere -the highest level of biological organization
  • community -is a group of organisms composed of different species living and interacting in a certain area or habitat