Cards (9)

    -          Identical twins
    -          Non-Identical Twins
  • Identical twins
    -          monozygotic twins
    -          one egg cell/ovum further divides into two after being fertilized by one sperm
    -          have exactly the same genetic constitutions, thus, they always have the same sex and very similar looks
  • Non-Identical Twins
    -          fraternal or dizygotic twins
    -          arise from two eggs/ova which are fertilized by two different sperm cells
    -          Natural Birth
    -          Instrument Birth
    -          Breech Birth
    -          Transverse Presentation Birth
    -          Cesarean-Section Birth
  • Natural Birth
    -          or spontaneous birth
    -          fetus’ head emerges first through the birth canal followed by one shoulder then the other, next by the arms one at a time and finally the legs
  • Instrument Birth
    -          employed with the aid of surgical instruments
    -          fetus is too large or its position does not allow normal birth process
  • Breech Birth
    -          fetal buttocks appear first, followed by the legs arms and eventually the head
    -          instruments can be used to aid delivery
  • Transverse Presentation Birth
    -          fetus lies crosswise on the mother’s uterus
    -          instruments can be used to aid delivery
  • Cesarean-Section Birth
    -          fetus is delivered surgically
    -          slit created in the maternal abdominal wall