L28 Scalp, Skull and Face

Cards (20)

  • Describe skull and its function
    -Bony structure of head
    -Made up of flat, irregular or pneumatic bones
    -Protect brain and fixing position of ears
  • State 3 for each neurocranium and viscerocranium
    Neurocranium - frontal, parietal, temporal
    Viscerocranium - maxilla, zygomatic, nasal
  • State bone involved in determining age
  • State bone involved for 4 sutures formation
    sagittal - left and right parietal
    coronal - frontal, parietal
    lambdoid - parietal, occipital
    squamous - temporal, parietal, sphenoid
    metopic - between frontal bones
  • State the structures of flat bboones
    -outer table of compact bone
    -middle layer of spongy bone
    -inner tale of compact bone
  • State 3 movements of temporomandibular joint
  • Describe cranial vault
    -Bony dome-shaped roof skull
    -encases the brain
    -Compaction of several flat bones joined by sutures
  • Define scalp
    The soft tissue envelope of cranial vault
  • State the scalp's layers
    -connective tissue
    -aponeurotic layer
    -loose connective tissue
  • Which is the most dangerous layer of scalp and why ?
    -Loose connective tissue
    -It arranged loosely
    -has less nerve supply
    -any bleeding may spread rapidly
  • Why wounds in scalp bleed profusely ?
    The fibrous fascia prevent vasoconstriction
  • What is the significance of having aponeurosis holding skin tight
    Wounds superficial to aponeurosis gap much less than wounds that cut through it
  • Describe cephalohematoma
    -collection of blood usually over one parietal bone
    -occur several hours after difficult birth
    -between neonate's pericarnium and calvaria
    -Causes rupture of multiple minute and periosteal arteries
  • Describe emissary veins related to any infection
    -do not have valves
    -open in loose areolar tissue
    -any infection can be transmitted from scalp to cranial cavity
  • What is black eye ?
    -Injuries of scalp
    -causing blood vessels under scalp to rupture
    -leading to swelling and contusion around the edge
  • Describe face
    -anterior aspect of head
    -extends from forehead to chin and from one ear to other
    -contains group of muscles that move skin
  • Why face known as 'index of mind' ?
    -facce provides identity of individual human
    -important role in communication
    -basic shape determined by underlying bone
  • state the nerve supply face expression
    nerve VII : Facial
  • State 3 muscles of facial expression
    -orbicularis oris
  • state the blood supply, nerve supply and motor supply to facial expression
    blood supply : superficial temporal artery and vein
    nerve supply : VII (facial nerve)
    motor supply : temporal, zygomatic, mandibular