Ideologies in Ancient Greece

Cards (14)

  • Monarchy is a form of government with the monarch, king or queen leading it.
  • When a monarch dies, their heir will take control of the throne. Otherwise, his relatives will take it
  • In ancient times, there were many different types of governments such as democracy, oligarchy, aristocracy, tyranny, and monarchy
  • Democracy was one type of government where all free adult male citizens had equal rights and could participate in decision-making processes through voting
  • Oligarchy was another type of government where power was held by a small group of wealthy individuals who made decisions on behalf of the people
  • Aristocracy was a system of governance that favored the elite class over others, giving them more privileges than commoners
  • Tyranny was a form of government where an individual seized absolute power without regard to law or constitution
  • Tyranny was a form of government ruled by an individual who seized power unlawfully and maintained complete control over the population
  • Tyranny was a form of government where an individual seized absolute power without regard to laws or constitutions
  • Democracy is a political system where all citizens have equal say in decision-making processes through free and fair elections.
  • Oligarchy is a political system where power is held by a small group of people, typically wealthy individuals.
  • The power of the monarch can be limited by laws that are created to protect citizens from abuse of power
  • In a democracy, decisions are made collectively by the entire citizenry rather than being imposed by a single ruler or elite class
  • Monarchy refers to a form of government where ultimate authority rests with one person, usually hereditary