Intellectual aims- focus on the acquisition & comprehension of knowledge, and problem-solving skills, & methods of thinking
Social-personal- concerned with the ways in which people relate to other individuals & society & hoe individuals view themselves- address individual psychology, & how people fit into their families and communities
Productive aims- center on educating students to function within the home, on the job & as the citizen
Learning experiences should consider alternative ways in which enjoyment and learning might be conceptualized, and analyse the evidence from young people to explore their experience of enjoyment at school or college and their perception of its relationship to learning
Intellectual aims- focus on the acquisition & comprehension of knowledge, and problem-solving skills, & methods of thinking
Social-personal- concerned with the ways in which people relate to other individuals & society & hoe individuals view themselves- address individual psychology, & how people fit into their families and communities
Productive aims- center on educating students to function within the home, on the job & as the citizen
Intellectual aims- focus on the acquisition & comprehension of knowledge, and problem-solving skills, & methods of thinking
Social-personal- concerned with the ways in which people relate to other individuals & society & hoe individuals view themselves- address individual psychology, & how people fit into their families and communities
Productive aims- center on educating students to function within the home, on the job & as the citizen
Intellectual aims- focus on the acquisition & comprehension of knowledge, and problem-solving skills, & methods of thinking
Social-personal- concerned with the ways in which people relate to other individuals & society & hoe individuals view themselves- address individual psychology, & how people fit into their families and communities
Productive aims- center on educating students to function within the home, on the job & as the citizen
Integrating technology into the classroom can make learning more fun and engaging and it can be help to provide students with essential skills that will prepare them for the environment they will enter as modern-day workers
Students play an active role in their learning and teachers serve as mere guides, putting student's interest first and focused on each student's needs, abilities and learning styles