The curriculum should be organized around the interrelationships of fundamental ideas and structures of each major discipline, revisited and expanded in depth and breadth as students progress through their education
Linking all types of knowledge and experiences contained within the curriculum plan. The horizontal relationships among topics and themes from all knowledge domains
Curriculum integration is not simply a design dimension but also a way of thinking about schools' commitment, curriculum sources, and the nature and uses of knowledge
Hilda Taba cited that the curriculum was disjointed, fragmented, segmented, and detached from reality, preventing students from seeing knowledge as unified
Where curriculum workers seek to balance students' life, so they obtain and use knowledge in ways that progress their personal, social, and intellectual goals
A variation of the subject-centered design created to address the fragmentation caused by the subject design, providing students with a comprehensive understanding of all content areas by integrating logically related content
Educators who favor this believe the curriculum should foster social action aimed at reconstructing society; it should promote society's social, political, and economic development. These educators want curricula to advance social justice.